8-Week Ballet Course


8-Week Ballet Course

Sale Price:$140.00 Original Price:$160.00

Dancers select one class time from the options below and attend class consecutively for 8-weeks.

Which class level is right for me?

Intro to Ballet 1
This class is designed as an introduction to the Art of Ballet from a historical, aesthetic and technical perspective.  You will learn basic skills in ballet technique with an emphasis on safe placement and alignment, become familiar with French terminology and apply movement sequences to different musical tempo. Each week builds on the week prior, repeating previously covered material and adding new technical elements. Classes will include fun facts about the history of ballet, its music and influence on culture and fashion.

If you have not taken a Ballet class ever or you’ve had a long break and need to find your legs again this class covers all the basics giving you a great workout at the same time. It can be taken over and over again!

Intro to Ballet 2
A follow up to Intro to Ballet 1, we move through the basics a little faster and expand on vocabulary and combinations.

This class will move you through traditional ballet barre and center exercises with an emphasis on safe placement and alignment, core control and extended flexibility. You should be familiar with basic ballet terminology (names of exercises are in French),and able to follow the flow of a class from barre to center as well as traveling across the floor to different musical rhythms. Each week builds on the week prior, repeating previously covered material and adding new technical elements. Classes will include fun facts about the history of ballet, its music and influence on culture and fashion. 

This class will move you through traditional ballet barre and center exercises with additional combinations focusing on adagio, pirouettes from different positions and traveling across the floor with jumps, turns, and waltzes. Each week builds on the week prior, repeating previously covered material and adding more challenging combinations that require attack, precision, speed and harmony.

This class will move you through traditional ballet barre and center exercises with additional combinations focusing on adagio, pirouettes from different positions, traveling across the floor with jumps, turns, and waltzes, small jumps with beats, and petite, medium, and grande allegro. Each week builds on the week prior, repeating previously covered material and adding more challenging combinations that require attack, precision, speed and harmony.

Attire: Comfortable clothing (like you would wear for a yoga class); hair tied or pulled back to enable free head movement; ballet slippers or socks.

**Please note course enrollments are not transferable/refundable. Students enroll in the full 8-weeks and cannot substitute these classes for drop-in classes.

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